Category: Computer hardware

  • iDon’t Like the iPhone At All

    Commentary iWent shopping for a new cell phone yesterday.  My Treo 650 finally sprung a leak.  Up to now, that phone was simply the best phone I ever owned.  In spite of the numerous times I dropped it though the years, it held up solid.  The tone was always clear, and I love the Palm…

  • Webroot’s Spy Sweeper® Enterprise 3.0 Named Best Anti-Spyware – 2006

    If you don’t regularly sweep for spyware, you should.  According to a decent article on Wikipedia, “Spyware is computer software that collects personal information about users without their informed consent. The term, coined in 1995 but not widely used for another five years, is often used interchangeably with adware and malware (software designed to infiltrate…

  • BeLarc Advisor – Free Personal PC Audit

    Have you ever forgotten licensing information for a piece of software, or stumbled when you had to call tech. support for an item on you PC? There is a free utility from BeLarc that builds a detailed profile of your installed software and hardware, missing Microsoft hotfixes, anti-virus status, CIS (Center for Internet Security) benchmarks,…

  • Thinking of a Computer for the holidays? Wait.

    In a surprise move which I’m sure the computer industry will take issue, Walter Mossberg, author and creator of the Personal Technology column in The Wall Street Journal advises consumers to wait until February to buy a new Windows desktop or laptop. The reason? Memory intensive and hard drive consuming Windows Vista is on the…