eNews Park Forest: the Cutting Edge

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When considering blog topics, I don’t always think first of my own projects.  eNews Park Forest, however, seems to be really taking off.  The concept for eNews Park Forest is simple.  I wanted to develop an online magazine for the citizens of Park Forest.  During the three years I served as trustee in Park Forest, I heard quite a bit of frustration from area residents about the lack of news coverage given to the village in the local media.

Newspapers started in the local community.  Local coverage is crucial.  There are stories in each and every town that go untold, and need to be told.

Clubs and not-for-profit organizations can advertise for free, and there will be a low rate for businesses to advertise.  In particular, people are upset that the police blotter and other events do not get the coverage that they seem to get in other towns.  There are even reports that the Park Forest police blotter is more complete in the Hammond Times, an Indiana paper, than it is in our local papers!

This is an ongoing project, and I’m very excited.  Some have commented to me that it’s, “The wave of the future.”  There is still work to be done before we cover the police blotter for the first time.  Journalists should proceed cautiously.  Truth be told, and the truth does need to be told, there are times when journalist proceed recklessly, making the news instead of reporting the news.  I want this to be an example to the local media.  I want this to be a respected news source, focusing on local stories, and giving our good organizations in Park Forest an avenue for telling their story.

I’m looking forward to tracking this story as it unfolds.