Publish Your Own Book

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Wow.  It’s been a while since I wrote on the blog.  I’ve been very busy.  Picked up some new and exciting web clients, and I’m looking forward to blogging about them here soon.  Still finalizing arrangements, but I’ll be busy in the near future here.

Ever thought of publishing your own book?  Now you can.  We write so much on the blogs — why not publish real books with all those wonderful words? allows you create and sell many things, including books.  From their site:

Pricing includes book production, order management, fulfillment and customer service. You choose the retail price and earn the difference between the retail price and our base price.

The pricing is based on the number of pages in your book plus the type of binding you wish to offer. For example, the base price for a 100-page perfect-bound book would be $10.00, and you set the retail price. Base prices are the same the same for all book sizes.

I’m not publishing quite yet.  I’m still upset about the book I started in high school about the flying car that traveled through time.   That was long before Back to the Future.  If I had only tried to sell it to someone, I would at least have a case.

Oh well.  Live and learn.

I’m publishing the next one, perhaps on